
Mounting Plate

We stock many hundreds of clutchplates, from obsolete models, right through the most modern. We do not have a minimum order, so if you only need one clutchplate to repair your existing brush, we can help you. Most clutchplates do have a part number cast into them and this, in addition to the make and model number of your machine will help to get you what you need.
There are times when nothing is left but broken pieces, and we can still usually figure out what you need. In cases like this, try to accurately measure the center mounting hole ( this is the hole that is cut into the brush, before the clutchplate is mounted). I can then compare this dimension to plates that keep for reference. Please note that we always include the clutchplate with your order whenever it is possible. 
Certain plates may require an up-charge due to higher cost where noted.

Due to the ever changing costs and pricing, we have decided to stop self checkout via the webpage. All of the information remains accurate but we're unable to keep up with changing costs.

Please feel free to call us TOLL FREE 800-834-6035 and a real person with years of experience will help you to order exactly what you need.

 If you have trouble, or are not certain about an item, please feel free to call us, it's what we do !

The shopping cart function will be closed down shortly. Please call us to assist you with your order.

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clutch plates

Gunn Brush Company often provided clutchplates to many OEM Floor Machine Companies over the years.